Guide to Privacy Levels
Level 1: Public
This privacy level allows everyone to find, see, modify and remove your upload.
Level 2: Unlisted (recommended)
Unlisted uploads cannot be found unless someone knows its unique, random identifier. If someone knows this identifier, they can see, modify and remove the upload.
Level 3: Read-only
With this privacy setting, the upload cannot be found unless someone knows its unique, random identifier. If someone knows this identifier, they can see the contents but cannot modify or remove it without entering the password of the upload.
Level 4: Private
With this privacy setting, the upload cannot be found unless someone knows its unique, random identifier. If someone knows this identifier, they cannot see, modify or remove it without entering the password of the upload. Your upload and its attachments are encrypted, so they are stored safely.
Level 5: Secret
With this privacy setting, the upload cannot be found unless someone knows its unique, random identifier. If someone knows this identifier, they cannot see, modify or remove it without entering the password of the upload. Your browser sends us an already encrypted version, so the unencrypted data and password never even leave your device. This option requires you to enter your password many times when accessing your data, but is extremely safe.