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MicroBin v2 Released

· 3 min read
Dániel Szabó

MicroBin v2 is now available 🎉

MicroBin v2 is finally released 8 months after v1.2.1 and 15 months after the initial commit. It implements all of the most requested features requested by the users and elevates MicroBin to a whole new level. With lots of new features come an overwhelming amount of configuration options, so there is a standardised Docker installation method and default .env file available for your convenience.

I am proud that MicroBin now contributes to a world-wide effort towards making privacy accessible and easy, and I hope v2 will help it towards becoming the secure self-hosted file-sharing solution. Development does not stop here though, GitHub issues are already lining up for v2.1, so I invite you try MicroBin if you have not already, and share your wishes with me so I can improve it further.

- Daniel

Main Changes

  • Server-side and client-side encryption for uploads, including file attachments,
  • SQLite database (instead of JSON file) by default,
  • Reworked upload settings: 5 privacy levels,
  • New administrator console (/admin),
  • Automatic syntax highlighting,
  • Image and video embedding,
  • Refreshed styling and QoL features,
  • New user guide page,
  • Enabled HTML embedding for footer,
  • Added file upload size limits,
  • Added uploader password for read-only mode
  • Added sample .env file with description for each environmental variable,
  • Removed Info page (moved to admin page),
  • Telemetry added (only configuration reporting, to help prioritise features, opt out in .env)
  • Update checking added (on admin page, togglable with .env)
  • Upload list now sorted from newer to older,
  • Pasta terminology replaced with Upload(/pasta -> /upload, /pastalist -> /list),
  • Files are now served with a proper service, not just as a public directory,
  • Added option to show up on the MicroBin server list (opt in in .env, list page coming soon),
  • Lots and lots of bugs fixed

Full Changelog:

Public Server

I have set up a public MicroBin server at This will be available for as long as my Raspberry Pi 4 can handle the traffic. A public server browser is also coming soon.

Try MicroBin v2.0.4

Run our quick docker setup script (DockerHub):

bash <(curl -s

Or install it manually from Cargo:

cargo install microbin;
curl -L -O;
source .env;


Thank you to all of the contributors: @hay-kot, @figsoda, @dvdsk, @HeapUnderfl0w, @uniqueNullptr2, @Arizard, @egor-tensin, @frap129, @rissson, @techiall, @foxidokun, @mooons, @7a6163, @DhruvaSambrani, @Tyfui90, @jchia, @alex3305, @albocc, @kwiniarski97, @henri40408, @stavros-k, @frdmn, @arghyadipchak, @amnesiacsardine.

Also massive thank you to MicroBin's first sponsors: Erik, Radovan Blažek, Michael and luxus!